• Kenya | Tambaya
  • Kenya | Tambaya
  • Kenya | Tambaya
  • Kenya | Tambaya

Kenya | Tambaya

Regular price £13.50 GBP
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Beans or Ground
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FARM: Tambaya
ALTITUDE: 1600 - 2300 MASL
VARIETAL: Batian, Ruiru 11, 
SL28, SL34
PROCESS : Washed

This AA fully washed top lot is from Tambaya Wetmill, part of Rumukia Farmers’ Cooperative Society. Tambaya is one of a few washing stations that form the co-op group based in the heartland of Kukuyu territory, Nyeri. Nyeri County has cool temperatures and fertile central highlands, lying between the Eastern base of the Aberdare Range, which forms part of the Eastern end of the Great Rift Valley, and the Western slopes of Mt. Kenya.

The combination of fertile soil, seasonal rainfall and high altitude provide the ideal climate for coffees characterised by high acidity, full body and ripe fruit flavours. Due to the cool temperatures at altitude, particularly at night time, coffees from Nyeri tend develop and mature slowly producing very dense, hard beans high in acidity and complexity. 


Kenya’s history with coffee stretches back to the turn of the 19th century when German missionaries first arrived bringing Bourbon trees with them, and planted in the colonial era. The coffee industry boomed in Kenya under British rule, and the famed Kenya AA became synonymous with coffee quality.


Often referred to as the ‘best coffee in the world’ Kenya coffee has a strong following from the speciality (3rd wave) market, and rightly so. Its high grown coffees in iron rich, red volcanic soils, temperate climate and proximity to the equator create the perfect growing environment. Blackcurrants, berry fruits, bright acidity and with a solid body and creamy mouthfeel makes Kenya the go-to coffee to add a little zing to your blend – or to enjoy as a single origin, pour over, black coffee to savour.



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