

From our relationships with farmers through to our wholesale partners and home users, we are committed to harnessing loyalty and nurturing sustainable practices from bean to cup.

Keep reading to find out more!

Recyclable Packaging

Our coffee packaging is fully recyclable including the valve, zipper and label. The whole bag can be disposed of through soft plastic recycling in the UK.

CLICK HERE to check your local household recycling and find any local recycling points near you


The Hundred House roastery is based within the idyllic setting of The Shropshire Hills. Our roastery is a converted barn, in a yard shared with other rural-living, speciality-driven food producers. We use 100% renewable electricity sourced from solar, wind and hydro and we are working towards using 100% offset gas for our roaster.

We are currently being audited towards becoming a carbon neutral company by the end of 2023.


We are one of the only roasteries in the UK to offer wholesale customers a nationwide packaging-free solution. This has been carefully negotiated with couriers and allows our customers the option of having their coffee delivered in reusable tubs, which are then collected at the time of next delivery.


We are committed to ethical coffee sourcing practices centred around developing relationships with coffee producers that are long term and not just seasonal. Ensuring farmers get paid a good price for a good product. We buy a number of coffees annually – this allows farmers a guaranteed price irrespective of market fluctuations and payment before a harvest is complete. Sourcing in this method allows small farms to run as independent businesses with additional funds allowing them to improve their
agricultural and post-harvest processes to increase the quality of their crop year on year.

Activating Sustainability

2022 will see the second in our series of site specific installations targeted for large scale coffee events. Sites will include London Coffee Festival and the Manchester Coffee Festival for 2022. The touring Tether Project - an interactive print making installation, asking participants to engage with the crossovers between sustainability and creativity through the tactile experience of collaborative screen printing.

Collaboration at our core

Collaboration is at the core of how we work. As well as partnering with likeminded ethical companies such as Good and Proper Tea and Barebones Chocolate – we also collaborate with artists and designers on a number of different projects including ceramics, print and animation.

Sustainable Communities

Our schools projects is one of the ways we work towards building more sustainable communities. Funded through our wholesale program we run an annual project working with inner-city schools. The project engages with students on topics surrounding ethical sourcing practices. The curriculum covers a variety of different subjects from geography to biology of coffee, economics, history and post-colonialism.

Art through Industry

Supporting the arts through industry was a founding principle of Hundred House Coffee. Weaving in the non-profit to our day-to-day activities is something that came instinctively and to which we are committed. As the business grows, we are able to support more projects, and we have some exciting new ventures on the horizon for 2023. We focus on projects that shed light on the under-represented, for example the Safina Radio Project, working through the arts to highlight the regions/origins we buy from.



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