1gm coffee : 16gm water
24-27gm coffee : 384-432gm water
Coffee dripper, filter paper, good quality coffee, grinder, pouring kettle, digital scales, timer.
Place your filter paper in your drip brewer. Pour boiling water through the filter paper to rinse it thoroughly.
Weigh out your coffee and grind it to a medium consistency.
Place the coffee in the filter paper within the brewer and tap the sides so it settles evenly. Place the brewer on your receptacle, like your cup or a jug, then place these on the scales and tare the scales.
Weigh out your hot water (approx. 16 times the weight of your ground coffee). Your brewing water should be just below boiling, around 95C.
Start your timer and pour water slowly from the centre outwards, saturating the grounds. Pour about twice the amount of water to coffee – this should take 30-40 seconds. The grounds will expand and bloom.
After 30-45s, when the bloom stops expanding, add your water in a steady spiral towards the outer edge, pouring over dark or bubbly patches if they appear. Continue pouring, keeping the kettle's spout low, drawing concentric circles with all the remaining water.
When you are brewing, aim to keep the level of your water about two-thirds up the inside wall of the brewer, and try to avoid favouring any particular section of the cone. The spiralling creates a gentle turbulance that stirs the coffee, allowing the water to more evenly extract the grounds.
All the water should have drained through the coffee within 4 minutes.
Remove the brewer, pour out and enjoy! hundredhousecoffee.com
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