WET MILL : Muthua-ini
REGION : Nyeri
ALTITUDE : 1700 - 1800 MASL
PROCESS : Washed
The vast majority of the coffee bought and sold in Kenya is traded through the national auction system – where the main buyers are large multinationals. By initially using local Kenyan companies, who bid on the coffee on their behalf, ultimate goal is to avoid using the auction system at all, by working directly with farmers’ associations, coops and small estates.
Kenya Muthua-Ini AA is sourced from family owned farms organised around the Muthua-Ini Factory (wet mill) in Nyeri County, Kenya. The Mutheka Farmers’ Coop manages the Muthua-Ini Factory, which processes cherry from members who generally cultivate around 200 coffee trees on half-acre plots. Small plots give these producers more control to strategically pick and deliver only the ripest cherries. Additional cherry sorting is also done at the factory before the coffee is de-pulped, fermented and washed. After the coffee is washed, it’s soaked in fresh water for long periods of time to solidify the hallmark Kenyan profiles.
Muthua-Ini is a Kikuyu name for “a place with many ants”, the area was famous due to ant invasions which destroyed almost everything including the sugarcane plantations and built long ant hills visible from a distance.
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